Concierge management and stewardship of your residence, we accompany your tenants before their arrival and throughout their stay.
La Petite Conciergerie de l’Arve supports you in the management of your residence.
We take care of the stewardship of your property (cleaning, laundry, visits, etc.)
From Servoz to Vallorcine, the Chamonix valley offers a quality destination for mountain-loving travelers.
Short-term rental is constantly on the rise each season (summer and winter).
La Petite Conciergerie de l’Arve offers you all its know-how in the stewardship and management of your property.
Find the activities of the valley on the website of the Chamonix tourist office.
La Petite Conciergerie de l’Arve can advise you on the different places to visit during your stay, do not hesitate to let us know!
We remain at your disposal if you want more information.
A first telephone or videoconference appointment to understand your needs and set up an interview.
The appointment will be an opportunity to visit your accommodation. We take this opportunity to collect all the useful information to establish an estimate.
After acceptance of the quote, we begin the management and stewardship of your property planned together.